Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sequestration Kicks In

Sequestratoin has finally set in and the US will not see immediate consequences, yet.

The automatic spending cuts will kick in slowly and the affects will not be seen for awhile. The job loss and spending cuts will be delayed by notifying unions and other government entities.

Politically the real winners are the republicans. Their thirst for spending cuts has been satisfied without the tax increases president Obama suggested. The republicans also successfully kept tax loopholes that protect the wealthy.

The Democratic party really needs to find new ways to compromise or simply get tougher. The Republicans are playing hard ball and they either need to step up or get a super majority in both houses. The Democrats have been getting beat by the opposition because of a lack of common ground or a lack or compromise however they are still losing.

President Obama called the cuts "just dumb" according to the New York Times. The American public will not be questioning the intelligence of the of the bill. They will be questioning why President Obama stood by and let the Republicans strip the government of funds. President Obama will look like a staunch democrat unwilling to move on an unrealistic platform despite whether or not he actually is.

We will see how the White House responds to this and if congress can start compromising again.