Monday, October 22, 2012

The Last Presidential Debate

There was a lot said tonight about how the combination of a strong economy and a strong diplomatic presence in the world will fix the nations problems.  Definitely the highlights of the debate were the points were Romney continued to almost rant on how terrible the world is and there was truth to what he was saying but failed to offer a sufficient solution. Also Romney suggested that President Obama was not being tough enough on Iran and the President replied by saying establishing sanctions are tough and the sanctions he established are incredibly effective.
One of the biggest developments was that Obama continued to successfully state the Governor is wrong and to call him out. Obama also referenced the 'apology tour' attack. The president stated that he used trips to Israel in 2008 to better understand the Israeli conflict. Stating specific incidents of touring bombsites. However the President did not address whether or not it was okay for the President to criticize the united States abroad which is the key reason for the criticism in the first place.

Governor Romney failed in providing a successful attack on the Presidents record and understandably so. The President's record on foreign policy is fantastic and you really cant beat it. Governor Romney even recognized the Presidents successful decision to approve the operation that successfully killed Osama Bin Laden. Also President Obama made this point clearer by using a quote from Romney saying it is not necessary to move heaven and earth to get one man. Also Romney said we can't kill our way out of this mess. Both of these instances the Governor looks weak. Romney simply looked weak tonight and unfortunately for him the President's strongest point foreign policy was the subject of the last debate. In this very close race each candidates need every inch they can gain. Governor Romney lost ground tonight, he lost the debate and may have lost the election. In the first debate Governor Romney came out strong and all he needed to do was continue his momentum and he failed to do that because he was too busy bickering with the President. The Obama campaign is looking stronger than ever and may use this momentum to win the election.

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