Friday, October 19, 2012


Today the President gave a very strongly worded powerful speech in Fairfax, Virginia. 18 days before the election President Obama launched his most brazen attack against Governor Mitt Romney in a very well done speech. To be fair the President did stutter at key parts in his speech but otherwise it was flawless. It was an incredible expression of his suave, swagger, and classic Obama cool.

Here is the link to the video:

 The President gave a speech warning his supporters of a fictional, satirical disease called Romnesia the main symptoms are forgetting your positions and thus directly contradicting yourself. He pointed out how 'Mr. severely conservative' has been forgetting his own positions by side-stepping and back-tracking. As he went through the list of symptoms the President attacked each of Governor Romney's conflicting positions. He even laughed at Romney when referring to the coal plant he shut down as governor. Then he slammed Governor Romney saying that he cant remember what positions he has been running on for 6 years. He ended his speech with the most powerful attack of his campaign in a condescending joke that should shivers down the base of the Romney camp. The President said to his supporters, "If you come down with a case of Romnesia and (laughing) you can't seem to remember the policies on your website. Or the six years you have been running for President. Here's the good news, Obamacare covers preexisting conditions!"

This is precisely what Obama needs to do in the final days of this election. Obama needs to expose Romney's most obvious and painful weakness. That is Romney's inconsistency. It is Romney's flip-flopping and conflicting views on key issues like tax reform,  women's right to contraception, equal pay and a few other issues. This campaign has largely been a war of misinformation from both campaigns however the Romeny campaign has been constantly biting its tongue. At one point in the campaign the Romney campaign even fired their press secretary for admitting Romeny care was the reason Obama was able to form a model for Obamacare. This unbelievable powerful slam can ruin Romeny's campaign unless he comes out with a strong victory from the third debate. The power of the speech the president gave cannot be understated. This speech may have won him the election.

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